Where is optimum alfred in sims 2 to defeat

The penthouse has been trashed by the outraged Ava, and the new visitor Optimum Alfred tells you to buy a Galatronic Power Recharger to provide him with enough electricity for the job of upgrading the penthouse. And guess what? Now Jebediah tells you that Ava left a wallet stuffed with simoleons behind and it is yours! Buy the Galatronic Power Recharger at the local store for simoleons and take it back to Alfred at the penthouse. If you visit him again later on, he will tell you that he is bored and needs a job.

He will fix the wiring in the hotel but you must give him 20 nuclear fuel rods. Get them and give it to Alfred. When Alfred get the fuel rods, he will go a little insane under the influence of them and after his fit, he tells you that he needs to calm down by taking a nap. Exit the penthouse and return back. He is now disgusted that you do not have a satellite television.

He will remedy the situation himself and if you get to the pool after that, you will see that a satellite dish has been installed. Then for the last time Alfred Optimum Alfred will come back. But when you go to lock him up Then when you can lock him up.

It will probably take you a while but you'll get it. It seems that some people don't understand how to defeat him. You have to be patient. After he flies away the 1st time you have tried to fight him, defeat the other robots. I know this works, i've even done it more than once! Please Help!!! How do you defeat the other robots??? It's soo frustrating!!!! Ok, so, im wearing the rat suite and im on the sun deck..

Alfred hasn't done any of this 'flying off' i keep hearing about. Well my other Sims 2 game on the same disk thing was getting a little boring, so I decided to start a new game and do all of the challenges again.

I did all the challenges and got to 'Defeat Optimum Alfred' and thought it would be easy, as I have already had to do it 3 times forgot to save! Any tips? And yes, I know you have to put the suit on and everything, because I have done it before! How can i get rid of him i got the five mechanical skill points then i broke into the penthoouse after i did that i went to the sun deck as the ratackaka whatever i defeated him and his friends and nothing worked hes still on the sundeck and im really pissed off i don't want to sell the game but its too hard i also have all the other sims games but i can't win those either.

First you need to get the five mechanical skill points and break into the penthouse then the alien guy will give you this potion and you can smash the thingy on the sun deck after that optimum alfred will be waiting for you on the sun deck but you will have to be the ratacta when you him defeat optimum alfred but then he will fly away then his friends will show up defeat them as well after that optimum alfred will return so you repeat what you have done until you see the ratackta on the roof looking down at the car.

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Rat Cave by NarutoFanGirl Top guides View all. The Sims 2 Question and Answers :. Where is Optimum Alfred? How do you kill Optimum Alfred? Can you beat Sims 2? Where is the chest in the desert Sims 2 DS? Where is mechanical 5 Sims 2 DS? How do you kill the robots on Sims 2 DS? Can sims kill other sims? How do I burn my Sim alive? Where is optimum Alfred? How many experience points do you get on Car Mechanic Simulator?

How many points do you get per order?


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