Where to find gyromatic micro adjustor

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You need to have it in your inventory to craft certain items. Comment by Thottbot For anyone else as blind as I was I looked all over the place for that schematic.

You'll probably find it there. Comment by Thottbot It doesn't help that blizzard decided this was a part, rather than put it in the same group as the arclight spanner ie misc. Comment by Thottbot nether should come under miscalanious they should both be tools. Comment by Thottbot Lol, the same thing happened to me, I couldn't find out wat it was until i was making some unstable triggers, then i saw the thing.

Comment by Thottbot Comment by Allakhazam what is this used for? Comment by Allakhazam on the horde side, the engineer trainer in org can teach you Comment by Allakhazam Is it one of those daily spawn schematics on a random vendor somewhere? You need to have it in your inventory to craft certain items. Comment by This is the only thing engineers make using steel bars. Comment by Sinderion This item is also known in simple terms as a "screwdriver".

Funny how Gnomes over-complicate things. Comment by This item is already equipped in the Gnomish Army Knife, which has, Gyromatic Micro-Adjuster, Blacksmith hammer, mining pick, Arclight spanner, skinning knife and a few other things I believe. Comment by It is listed under Parts, although I think it should be listed under Miscellaneous, where Arclight Spanner is listed. Comment by Noctula Somehow this didn't show up in my engineering tab, searching for 'adjuster' or 'gyro'.

So I visited several engineering trainers but they couldn't learn it to me. I finally found out that I allready knew how to make it: it is listed under 'tools'. You need 4 steel bars, made from 4 iron bars and 4 coals. Comment by Noctula Requires level engineering. Comment by Cammerel Sometimes you make 11 of these before realizing you only needed one.

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