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Terms of service. Privacy policy. Cookie policy. Change language. Main languages. Out-of-the-box compliance rule sets and reports make it simple to prove your organization is in compliance and policies are being enforced. Intelligent log management — Enterprise Log Manager collects logs intelligently, storing the right logs for compliance, and parsing and analyzing those logs for security.
You can retain logs in their original format for as long as you require for specific compliance needs. Since we do not alter the original log files, McAfee supports chain of custody and non-repudiation efforts. While Enterprise Log Manager stores the logs, they can be deeply parsed, normalized, and analyzed by Enterprise Security Manager. Log information is immediately available for real-time security investigations and incident response.
Integration with McAfee Enterprise Security Manager provides advanced searching, analytics, correlation, alerting, and reporting. All events and alerts provide easy, one-click access to the original source log record, so your forensics efforts will benefit too. McAfee automates log management and analysis for all log types, including Microsoft Windows event logs, database logs, application logs, and syslogs.
Logs are signed and validated, ensuring authenticity and integrity—a necessity for regulatory compliance. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown.
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