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Item specifics. Card Condition:. Near Mint. World of Warcraft TCG. Comment by Dantarahma Here are some shots - as long as they are approved anyway. I'm currently a shadow priest so I took pics in both forms.
I like the smoother colors post patch 2. But, I do like the more detailed armor they wear now. I'm only llv 40 so I'm only posting pics of the lvl 40 mount. There are plenty of the lvl 60 one, so I won't be adding any later. In case anyone is wondering, since the riding skill intro vs the old racial stuff BOTH sides can ride this mount.
And if you get the card, you can purchase BOTH mounts lvl 40 and lvl I purchased my lvl 60 one first, on the off chance I only got one YAY for the lowbies! Just wish they'd change the armor back to black all the time.
It's a really fun mount to have in game. People do ask me for screenies But, I hope you all enjoy yours. I know I love mine. Comment by To my knowledge it has the excact same animations as the other tiger mounts i. If you click 'jump' it sneers. However unlike the Night Elf mount it emits no sound as of 25th Oct. It does growl when you summon it though. The mount also emits a nice aura with sparkles which keeps flowing wherever you go. Comment by Daldain Where does it come from and how hard is it to get?
Prices have been increasing steadily due to this TCG expansion being out of print. Facts: Both Horde and Alliance can ride the mount. The level 40 mount and the level 60 mount look almost the same. You can own both the level 40 and level 60 version at the same time with only one code required. How do the Loot cards work? Loot cards are special rare versions of WoW TCG cards found in booster packs, starter decks, and raid decks that have a revealable unique code.
Once this protective layer concealing the code is scratched away, a 25 digit promotion code is revealed that can be entered into the Blizzard offical promotions page. These codes work for both US and EU servers. I have the 25 digit loot code, now what? This webpage allows you to enter the 25 digit promotion code and also select the region and realm for the character that will receive the loot item. Upon succcessfuly submitting the above information, you will be presented with an in-game code.
Write this code down or print it out; you will need it to retrieve your item. Log into the game with the character that is to receive the item and travel to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale. There, you will need to find a goblin by the name of Landro Longshot. He is located on the lower parts of Booty Bay on the docks, and should be easily recognised due to the fact that he has a distinctive purple shirt and two body guards next to him. When you find Landro, he will first ask if you are here for a promotion, and then ask you which TCG expansion your item comes from or Points Redemption ; check your loot card if you are not sure which item that is.
Ensure you have got bag space to hold the item! Comment by so if i am lvl40 and get one can i get on epic one at lvl60? Comment by youfod lies i saw 1 on ebay for like 25 to 50 dollers but a friend said he bought 20 doller worth of card like at wall-mart and he got it. Comment by Are the mounts obtained from the trading cards usable by all the races?
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