But using parts of anything that isn't in this source repo can be considered illegal and valve might or might not take legal actions against you for doing so. There are community attempts to merge that into source, but I didn't follow those so you'd need to dig around those yourself. Another approach is to base your mod entirely of the Alien Swarm code, or to grab a community project that aims to merge the best of both worlds.
Thanks neico. I assumed I can use that repo for reference and understanding, but not use it directly. Much less did I know about the community leaded projects. Thanks for clearing that up. Also no pirated games here ,dont even have a torrenting software. Very odd integration and weird that steam recognizes it as "Source SDK base".
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The Source SDK is a program that organizes all the authoring tools for specific mods and engine builds and has the ability to automatically create a mod based on the code from Half-Life 2: Episode Two.
If you want to create your own mod, you will need to grab the Source SDK. Installing the Source SDK is just as easy as any regular game. The best part is its price: free! The steps for installing the Source SDK are as follows:. In the top-left corner of the games library, select the dropdown that says All Games and select Tools. Right-click on Source SDK and select Install game , or just double-click to begin the download process.
The Source SDK will begin to install automatically once the download is complete. When you first launch the Source SDK, it will need a minute or so to copy files and complete the install, but once that is complete, you're ready to go!
You will notice that the Source SDK contains a variety of tools, documents, and links. At the very bottom are two fields labeled Engine Version and Current Game.
Engine Version is used to select which version of the Source engine you would like to develop for. The later engine versions have more features and graphics upgrades compared to the earlier versions. Hey, doesn't this look like the set of authoring tools we had for HL2: EP2? It is, with the exception of itemtest that allows you to look into details about specific games items such as the items available in Team Fortress 2.
Create a Mod will open a wizard that allows you to create your own modification, or mod, for a certain Source game. Reset Game Configurations will return all games to their default configurations. Edit Game Configurations will allow you to modify the path of any game you want. Softimage XSI Mod Tool will link you to an Autodesk website where you can download a free version of character modeling and animation software that is compatible with the Source engine.
So you have this amazing idea for a video game and want to create your own mod. In this example, we will be creating a multiplayer Mod for the Source engine from a template:. To create your very own Half-Life 2 mod, double-click on the Create a Mod utility.
Select the Start a Multiplayer mod from a Template radio button on the first prompt of the Create a Mod wizard and then click on Next. In the first entry, specify the drive directory location where you want your game to be stored.
In the second entry, specify the name of the mod you want to create, and click on Next to continue. The instructions are pretty straightforward. Choose carefully when you select the options shown in the following screenshot; they're harder to change later on:. Now, let's take a look at the folders the wizard has created. Three of those folders have suffixes of "src" as shown in the following screenshot:. The mapsrc folder is where all your maps should be saved although you can always save your maps elsewhere.
All texture and material files go into the materialsrc folder, while all models should be saved in the modelsrc folder. The code generated specifically for your mod is saved in the src folder. Utilizing these folders to store all your source materials will make your life easier later on. Also take a look at the Source SDK; your mod will be listed as one of the games in the engine build you selected, as shown in the following screenshot:.
When you create a mod with the Source SDK wizard, it creates a barebones game.