Where to purchase wow time

Also, any Game Time purchase already made will be unaffected. Game Time options differ from subscriptions because it is a one-time purchase of allotted time for players to play the game.

This change affects those who are not avid WoW players, as they are more inclined to take breaks and may not want to invest in an entire 6-month subscription to the game. This change pigeonholes players into subscribing or forces them to drop more money on the day Game Time purchase. Source: Blizzard. RIP my 30 day subscription. Good change with the 60 day game time purchase.

This is a bad change. This is a logical fallacy: "You can just get a sub and cancel it before the month is over! Lol even with the monthly sub change people will pay. Subscription Change Troubles. Can i no longer gift a month of game time? Change the game time back. Can't buy WoW Sub with balance, Also can't buy token without sub. Gifting wow.

Where is the 1 month purchase option? Classic TBC. Report Links. Table of Contents Quick Facts. When you upgrade from the Starter Edition to a full version of World of Warcraft, it can take up to 72 hours for the Starter Edition restrictions to expire. If 72 hours have passed and you still have the above restrictions, reset your password.

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