Which actor voiced the villain syndrome in the incredibles

I knew he wouldn't have it in him to actually Syndrome : You, sir, truly are Mr. You know, I was right to idolize you? I always knew you were tough, but tricking the probe by hiding under the bones of another super? Oh, MAN! I'm still geeking out about it! Syndrome : And then you just had to go and ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for help? Syndrome : Help me! Help me! Syndrome : [Slams Mr. Incredible against the ground] Am I good enough now? Syndrome : Who's super now?

I'm Syndrome, your nemesis and Incredible out of sight]. Syndrome : Oh, brilliant. Syndrome : [after the plane is shot down] Oh, you'll get over it. I seem to recall you prefer to Incredible tries to catch him, but Mirage pushes Syndrome out of the way and is captured]. Incredible : Release me, now! Syndrome : Or what? Incredible : I'll crush her. Syndrome : That sounds a little dark for you.

Eh, go ahead. Incredible : It'll be easy, like breaking a toothpick. Syndrome : [chuckles] Show me. Incredible lets go of Mirage].

Syndrome : I knew you couldn't do it. Even when you have nothing to lose! You're weak! And I've outgrown you. Syndrome : [about his newest Omnidroid] It's bigger. It's badder. Ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for Mr. Syndrome paralyses them with his zero point energy]. Syndrome : Shhh. The baby's sleeping.

Syndrome : You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry. I'll be a good mentor: supportive, encouraging And in time, who knows? He might make a good sidekick. Syndrome : Oh, come on! You gotta admit this is cool! Just like a movie! The best TV commercial length is 30 seconds. Learn why some lengths of TV commercials are more effective, and watch some examples along the way.

Sonic branding has never been more important in your digital audio advertising plans. With these exercises and examples, learn how to design your sonic brand Your email address will not be published. Subscribe to blog digest Email. Subscribe Submit. Stephanie Ciccarelli. Stephanie Ciccarelli is a Co-Founder of Voices.

Classically trained in voice as well as a respected mentor and industry speaker, Stephanie graduated with a Bachelor of Musical Arts from the Don Wright Faculty of Music at the University of Western Ontario. No matter how rich and powerful he became, Buddy never forgot about Mr. Incredible, and formulated his plans for vengeance. Using his best inventions to simulate super powers, he took on the costumed identity of Syndrome and set up Operation Kronos, aimed at eliminating other supers and then portraying himself as their successor.

He also explains that he also plans to sell his inventions in the future to not only enrich himself, but also to condemn society to an inescapable mediocrity, reasoning that "when everyone's super, no one will be. Operating through his agent Mirage , he contacted various retired superheroes, tasking them with the destruction of various prototypes of the enormous Omnidroid battle robots, leading to the demise of many of the old supers.

Deciding that the robot was now good enough to fight his old idol, he had Mirage recruit Mr. Incredible, who was able to defeat the Omnidroid. After repairing and improving the machine, Syndrome sent it to fight Mr. When the hero was outmatched, Syndrome revealed himself by saying despite his difficult attempts to make major modifications after Mr.

Incredible trashed the last tone, he is his biggest fan. This triggers Mr. And it's not IncrediBoy either! That ship has sailed! He tells Mr. Incredible he just wanted to help him, but he didn't give him a chance and rejected him. Syndrome explains it tore him apart, but he learned an important lesson to not trust anyone anymore, especially his heroes. A guilty Incredible says he was wrong to treat him that way and offers an apology, but Syndrome believes he respects now only because he's a threat since he claims that's the way it works.

As the super villain explains there are lots of people and countries who will pay through the nose to get respect and how he got rich, Mr. Incredible spots a nearby rock and he slowly sneaks over to it and finally throws it at Syndrome, who ducks and shoots his zero-point energy ray at the hero as he was about to run toward him to fight him. Laughing, Syndrome called him a "sly dog" and he got him monologuing, which he can't believe and he throws the hero around while declaring that he would be his new nemesis.

However, he accidentally throws Mr. Incredible out of sight and over a waterfall. Additional Voices voice Louis Gonzales Additional Voices voice Elizabeth Greenberg Additional Voices voice Juliet Greenberg Additional Voices voice Billy Guardino Additional Voices voice Dennis 'D. Additional Voices voice Ollie Johnston Additional Voices voice Bradford Lewis Additional Voices voice Jazzie Mahannah Additional Voices voice Bob Peterson Additional Voices voice Jeff Pidgeon Additional Voices voice Juliet Pokorny Additional Voices voice Joe Ranft Additional Voices voice Lori Richardson Additional Voices voice A.

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